
Direct Tickets for Teotihuacán


Direct Tickets for Teotihuacán

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Image of Teotihuacan Pyramids
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Teotihuacán: Fast Track Ticket

Explore a gigantic Mesoamerican city and climb the iconic pyramids

Chapultepec Castle + Frida Kahlo + Anahuacalli Museum Ticket

Book once and enhance your experience with this convenient combination of must sees
  • Skip-the-line entry on your phone
  • Flexible cancellation
  • Easy booking

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Teotihuacán: Fast Track Ticket
Explore a gigantic Mesoamerican city and climb the iconic pyramids
  • Instant Ticket Delivery
  • Smartphone Tickets Accepted
  • Fast Track Entry
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Teotihuacán Tickets and Information

Teotihuacán: Fast Track Ticket

What's Included

  • From: US$9.00
  • Instant Ticket Delivery
  • Smartphone Tickets Accepted
  • Fast-track admission to Teotihuacán

About Teotihuacán

Unraveling the Mysteries of Teotihuacán: A Journey Through Time

Teotihuacán is situated just 30 miles northeast of modern-day Mexico City and shows the ingenuity and architectural prowess of the ancient civilizations.

This archaeological site, whose name translates to "the place where the gods were created" in the Nahuatl language, was once a thriving metropolis that flourished between 150 BCE and 600 CE.

It's believed to have been built by the Teotihuacano people but the origins of the ancient city still remain shrouded in mystery even to this day. While the Aztecs later discovered the site and attributed it to the gods, the true identity of Teotihuacán's founders remains a topic of scholarly debate.

Regardless of its enigmatic beginnings, Teotihuacán eventually became one of the largest and most influential cities in the ancient world, drawing inhabitants from diverse Mesoamerican cultures.

What Visitors Can See At the Archaeological Wonders

Visitors to Teotihuacán are greeted by a sprawling complex which showcases the grandeur of Mesoamerican urban planning. The site covers quite a large area and features a central avenue known as the 'Avenue of the Dead'. This impressive thoroughfare is flanked by monumental structures which include the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon, which dominate the skyline and beckon explorers to unravel their secrets.

The Pyramid of the Sun

Standing at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead, the Pyramid of the Sun is the third-largest pyramid in the world. Its construction shows the advanced engineering capabilities that the Teotihuacano people had. As you climb the pyramid visitors will see breath-taking panoramic views of the entire city and surrounding landscapes.

The Pyramid of the Moon

Situated at the southern end of the Avenue of the Dead, the Pyramid of the Moon is a majestic structure dedicated to the Great Goddess of Teotihuacán. Its design is thought to symbolize the cycles of the moon and its connection to agricultural fertility. Climbing this pyramid offers a unique perspective on the city's layout and the interconnectedness of its various structures.

Inhabitants of Teotihuacán

While the true identity of the people who built Teotihuacán remains elusive, archaeological evidence suggests a diverse population. The city was likely a melting pot of different Mesoamerican cultures, as artifacts from various regions have been discovered. The Teotihuacano society was characterized by a complex social structure, with evidence of residential areas reflecting both elite and commoner living spaces.

A Cultural Hub and its Downfall

Teotihuacán served as a thriving cultural and economic hub which engaged in extensive trade networks that stretched across Mesoamerica. The city's decline which is believed to have happened around 600 CE, remains a puzzle for historians and archaeologists even today. The reasons behind the collapse of this once-mighty city are speculative and range from internal unrest and environmental factors to external invasions.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Today, Teotihuacán is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, drawing inquisitive minds from around the globe. Ongoing archaeological efforts continue to unearth new discoveries, shedding light on the mysteries that linger within the city's ancient walls. Visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history of Teotihuacán, contemplating the achievements of a civilization that left an indelible mark on the landscape of Mesoamerica.

Useful Information About Teotihuacán

How To Get There

Teotihuacán, Autopista Ecatepec Pirámides Km. 22 600, 55800, San Juan Teotihuacán

Opening Hours

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00 | Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

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Frequently asked questions

How far from Mexico City is Teotihuacán?

Teotihuacán sits around 50KM's northeast of Mexico City, so it's an easy and popular day trip from the city.

Why was Teotihuacán built?

Unfortunately nobody actually knows. The builders remain unknown as as we don't know who built it, we don't know the reason why either.

Who built Teotihuacán?

That is a very good question! Unfortunately, nobody actually knows! It was already built when the Aztecs found it and even to this day the builders of Teotihuacán remain unknown!

Is it true that Teotihuacán has one of the biggest pyramids in the world?

It is! The Teotihuacán pyramid called The Pyramid of the Sun is one of the biggest pyramids in the world - the third largest to be precise. The second largest is the Pyramid of Giza and the biggest one is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which is also located in Mexico!

Where is Teotihuacán?

Teotihuacán is located at Autopista Ecatepec Pirámides Km. 22 600, 55800, San Juan Teotihuacán

Is Teotihuacán a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Yes - Teotihuacán was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 due to it's historical significance as one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.


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